Special people are treasures...never forget that! • When a person focuses on what’s truly important in life you achieve a deeper...

What We Focus On Grows...
Living out here in the middle of nowhere has taught me a lot, but perhaps the best thing I’ve learned is also the most important. Above...

Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursday! ❤️ Today and every day I am thankful for my two loves. They are my everything! 💯 We took this photo last summer...

Family History
Anyone else into family history? I am...and I’ve had a blast looking at tons of pictures at my Aunt’s house! This is one of my favorites...

It's Okay To Cry Over Spilled Milk
It’s Okay To Cry Over Spilled Milk By Cheyenne Glade Wilson January 15, 2019 Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it. I’ve been...

My Great Great-Grandfather Andy McMillan
I love our family’s history! My mom gave me the neatest gift for Christmas. I’ve seen this picture before on a FB friend/historian’s...