Merry Christmas 2020
“Christ is born. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad.” ~ Psalm 96:11 • May the peace and joy that Christmas brings...always be...

The Key To Happiness
“The key to happiness is letting each situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be.” ~ Mandy Hale • Letting go doesn’t...

Western Landowners Alliance
It’s no secret that I love the land, all livestock, and our way of life. I believe all of this is apparent in my writing and my photos. I...

RIP, Doc
Our hearts are broken as we had to say goodbye to Doc Wednesday night. He was the best and we are taking his passing very hard. • His 18...

You Get What You Work For
It’s been 10 days since we lost Doc. He was my trusty steed who had been passed down to our 12-year-old son. We have mourned him, but he...

Black Friday 2020
These girls are anxiously looking for something...and it’s not great deals. Feeding time is serious business around here. They get a look...