Season 7 of The Cowboy Way - Alabama
It's TIME!!! Time to catch up with the cowboys from The Cowboy Way - Alabama! Season 7 premieres tonight on INSP at 6 pm PST - 7 pm MST -...

"The Warrant" - Movie Review
Finding something good to watch on TV these days is getting harder and harder in my opinion. By good, I mean something that the entire...

It Matters That You LIVE!!!
Gus McCrae said, “It ain’t dying I’m talking about, it’s living. I doubt it matters where you die, but it matters where you live.” 🤠 ...

The Duke Days of Summer (Happy Birthday, America!)
In my opinion, there is nothing more American than John Wayne. Have you heard his "America, Why I Love Her"? This is played a lot at...

Hold Onto Your Hat!! Greeley Hat Works - Product Review
I heard about Greeley Hat Works probably five or so years ago when I was helping a ranch rodeo association figure out prizes for their...

HTWWW - Confession!
I have a confession to make....I haven't ever watched How The West Was Won in its entirety. That changes starting on Monday, June 23rd!! ...