Cowgirl Lessons (A Book Review) & Giveaway

I was asked right before Christmas to read and review a children's book called Cowgirl Lessons by Rae Rankin. I read it right away, but it's taken me a bit of time to get my reviews back up and running. I'm excited to be doing this and the timing couldn't be more perfect to review this book. So, what did I think?
I enjoyed it! I think it's cute and appropriate for young girls (and even boys) who enjoy a quick read, rhyming, and horses. The story follows a young girl on her riding lesson day. It is enjoyable and light-hearted. It also covers important things like being prepared, respect for elders, love of animals, and cleanliness. I feel that any youngster reading this book would enjoy it!
I will point out that I was expecting a bit more "cowgirl" in this book due to the title. I was a bit surprised when I realized the story featured English riding and no other "cowgirl" things. However, I will also say that most children will simply enjoy this story for what it is. A young girl excited to ride and her love of horses. I enjoyed the rhyming throughout the book and the storyline is a positive, fun one.
I would definitely purchase this book for any young horse lover. I do want to explain something so as not to sound like I didn't enjoy the book. I am a bit biased because I grew up in and still live in a cowgirl lifestyle. When I saw the title I assumed that it would depict a young cowgirl on a ranch learning things. Perhaps that's my flaw.....I tend to assume a bit with books/titles. I will also admit that I have never ridden English (which is totally on my bucket list). I admire all disciplines of riding so I am definitely not downing the direction of the book. I was just a bit confused by the title versus the story. Diversity is a wonderful thing and I believe it's super important for our children to recognize and accept it.
All in all, I think it's a great read and one that would be enjoyed by all young folks truly. I recommend you check out Cowgirl Lessons and perhaps even add it to those upcoming Easter baskets. I definitely know about that love of horses from a young age. It's a love that will last a lifetime no matter what your discipline is or what type of horses it is that you love.
So, how would you like to win your very own copy? This would be perfect to give to that special young horse lover in your life! Click the graphic below to get entered to win!
I love that I've started these up again....SO fun!! Here is who won my last giveaway:

Congratulations, Donna! She is going to love that TNC Follow Your Arrow tee. I love giving things away so stay tuned and mark your calendar for every Friday! Chat with you soon on my next LIVE on my FB page. :) ~Cheyenne