The Cover Column - Intro
Happy Friday, #TNCTribe! I am super excited to share with you what I've been keeping under my hat for a couple of months. I'll call it a labor of love, but in truth it's not really work if you love what you do! I introduce you to: The Cover Column!

I decided to answer a few questions below concerning what The Cover Column is all about. Bear with my ramblings....I'm pretty excited about this! :)
What is The Cover Column?
The Cover Column was actually born from an article that I wrote a few months ago. You can read it on my blog by clicking here if you haven't gotten a chance to yet. It really refers to "judging a book by its cover". As a woman on the ranch I have observed how the females on the ranch really are the glue. No offense guys, but bulls and studs don't have the babies. It isn't just about bearing children, calves, or colts though. It's about what women have gone through to get where they are at. I don't mean sexism or descrimination. I don't focus on things like that. I mean how women work alongside their husbands to create a strong bottom line for themselves. Perhaps some women work alone because there is no husband. The focus of The Cover Column is in essence a series on women who are making it happen in their lives with no excuses. Those who have rose up to whatever challenges have come their way and persevered. They may be in their 20's or in their 80's. I plan to cover it all. I think of them as true "cover girls". Not the models, actresses, or movie/music stars that are featured everywhere. These are salt of the earth types who, in my opinion, are the heart of America. These gals are grounded with realistic ideas of what it truly takes to make a life. They are amazing and in my opinion it's high time the focus be where it needs to be.
When will you be releasing new issues?
This is in fact the very first issue...the introduction. You can look forward to a new issue every other Friday. In fact, you can expect an email from me every Friday. I chose every other Friday to allow me a little time to write and to keep you guys in the know of what I'm up to. Last Friday I began with a compilation email of various posts. You can look forward to that every other Friday on the off weeks of The Cover Column if that makes sense. :)
Who will you be featuring?
I will be featuring women from all walks of life. Of course I'm a ranching cowgirl so that is my primary focus (women on the ranch and in the arena), but that doesn't meant that I won't "cover" women in other places. I really like to focus on women who aren't featured in numerous places already. Bad-ass women who are making a different where they are at. I enjoy meeting new people. I feel that diversity is what brings us all closer together. We all have more things in common than you might know. I'm a story teller. In telling someone's story I find truth, honor, and the things in common I have with them. I also find wonder, new things, and areas that interest me even if I didn't know it before I interview them. I love learning about new things and the people involved with them. I know a lot of women, but that doesn't mean I know all women. I am open to suggestions/nominations. If you know of a woman who has a story we all need to hear please email me or message me at this link. I'd love to chat with you about your nominee.
How will I know when a new issue is released?
Because you are a subscriber on my website you will receive every email I send out...unless you unsubscribe and then you won't get it (I'm sure you understand that)!
What are my plans with this?
I decided to just get started. I figured if I sit around making plans nothing is going to get done. So, in my usual style, I'm jumping into the deep end of the pool without my floaties on (don't worry, I know how to swim). I plan to be consistent with this bringing you 26 women in 2019 who have incredible stories. I've considered turning this into a book at some point. Writing a book has been on my vision board for a long time. It has alluded me for years, but that doesn't mean it will never happen. You never know!!
So, with that I invite you to come along on this journey with me. I am ecstatic to introduce you to the incredible women I will be featuring this year. A few have been chosen, but there are a lot of spots left to fill. The Cover Column is sure not to disappoint. I hope you agree!!