The Duke Days of Summer (Happy Birthday, America!)
In my opinion, there is nothing more American than John Wayne. Have you heard his "America, Why I Love Her"? This is played a lot at rodeos that I've competed in or attended. It never gets old. Have a listen:
Today is America's birthday. I love Independence Day....always have and always will! There is so much history in this great country. I think it's important to ensure that the young in our country understand what today is all about. It's so much more than fireworks, barbecues, and parades. We have made sure in our home that our son knows what today is truly about. We are proud Americans! I wish you all a safe and Happy 4th of July!
In celebration of what John Wayne stood for (a true icon of America) INSP is running some of his movies this month. They have titled this "The Duke Days of Summer". How perfect!! We will definitely be watching as these are some of our favorite western movies ever....I hope you join us!
You can find INSP on Dish Network - Channel 259 and DirecTV - Channel 364. Here's is The Duke Days of Summer schedule: