We Are Never Alone...
Yesterday was a tough day for us on the ranch. We suffered a loss. We aren’t new to things like this, but it doesn’t make it any less painful. We love our critters. 🐴 Last night as I walked out in the pasture watching our mare herd, I was reminded of something I have read before. It brought me comfort. 🐴 “Whatever you are dealing with, you will get through it. Never give up. You are not alone in this world.” 🐴 I hope it brings peace to you if you are experiencing a troubling time also. Nobody is immune from it. It finds us all from time to time. The important thing to know is that tomorrow is a new day. As I saw the sunrise this morning, it reminded me once again how precious life is and how blessed we are to be living it. 🐴 Blessings to you, my friends. We are never alone...for He is always with us.