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What Brings You Joy?

Do you make time for the things that bring you joy? I hope you do! 💯 Horses have always been and always will be a big part of me. They make my soul sing! 🥰 Here’s one of my favorites. Meet Scout. He is our 2 year old registered Gypsy Vanner stud. We got him in February 2018. I have been mesmerized by Gypsies for a very long time. Finally having my dream come true of owning one was amazing, but it doesn’t come close to my anticipation of meeting his babies next spring! 😮 He is so kind with no nonsense at all. He doesn’t mess around and he doesn’t buck. They weren’t kidding when they said Gypsies are docile, gentle, and quiet. I’m a believer and a big fan!! Just being around him makes me happy! ❤️ Make time for happiness every day...even if it’s only 5 minutes a day. It will make a big difference for you! 😃 Have a great day, friends! 💋




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