A Stormy Winter Day
We have a winter storm upon us......be careful out there! Temperatures are in the negatives, it's snowing like crazy and the wind is supposed to come up making it extremely treacherous out there. Here are a few pictures of our boys this morning.
I often wonder how animals can survive in this kind of weather. My mom and I were discussing it today. We decided that it's just one of those miracles we will never quite understand. She stopped over for some homemade Chicken Tortilla Soup on her way home from feeding.

The chores are most important first thing in the day. The cattle and horses are hungry.....and thirsty. Speaking of that, check this out......my husband was chopping ice at one of our dams so our cows could drink...it's so cold the frogs are trying to escape! He put this big one and 2 smaller ones back into the water: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=252655055151881&id=100012221658693
Here is a pic of that cold bullfrog.

I sure hope this storm passes quickly and the wind/temps don't get as bad as they are predicting. We will take any prayers you have right now. Stay safe and stay home. Our critters are in the right places to combat this storm......but prayers always help. Thank you!