Biggest Day of the Year!
“The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.”
~ John F. Kennedy
So much truth to these words. We don’t do what we do to get rich. We do it because we love it and because we take great pride in feeding America. Ranching is more than an occupation to those who live it. It’s a tradition and a calling. Some don’t understand, but we do. And that’s what matters.
Today is our biggest day of the year. This is the day that decides how our year went financially. Nobody slept great last night...lots of nerves. I said my prayers last night and left it all to the man upstairs.
Here’s to a day of healthy, heavy calves and to bred back cows. If you’d care to throw some good vibes and well-wishes our way I would really appreciate it.
