Homemade Belgian Waffles & Simple Strawberry Syrup!

Weekends are pretty special for us. With our son in school it seems like the only quality time we get is on Saturdays and Sundays during the school year. I always try to cook some fun, yummy meals that we can enjoy together. Last weekend I made homemade Belgian Waffles & Simple Strawberry Syrup. This yummy breakfast didn't go by without praise - my guys loved it! While this might sound like quite an undertaking it truly isn't......and it's delicious. I honestly don't remember where this recipe came from, but there are many variations out there. This is my old faithful. I hope you give this a whirl!
1. Very first I wash the strawberries.

2. You will need 2 cups of strawberries total. I use a chopper (or knife) to cut about half of them into super, small pieces. I then quarter the remaining strawberries. Set aside and move on to waffle preparation.

3. First, I plug in my waffle iron to heat up.

4. Then I gather the ingredients together for the waffle batter and get that mixed up. Here's what you will need:
2 Eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 TB white sugar
4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp vanilla
5. Beat eggs in large bowl with hand beater until fluffy. Beat in flour, milk, vegetable oil, sugar, baking powder, salt, and vanilla, just until smooth.

6. Spray preheated waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray. Pour mix onto hot waffle iron.

7. Cook until golden brown. Serve hot. *I make my waffles all together as it does take some time. I put the finished ones in the oven on warm until they are all done and ready to go.

8. While the waffles are cooking I prepare the strawberry syrup. Here's what you will need:
1 cup water
1 cup white sugar
2 cups prepared strawberries
9. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan over medium-high heat; stir until sugar is dissolved. Mix strawberries into saucepan and bring to a boil; boil for 10 minutes.
10. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until strawberries are mushy and sauce is thick,
about 10 minutes.

11. Serve warm over waffles. Add whipped cream and strawberry garnish if desired. Enjoy!

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